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The skin's surface is covered with cells which are rich in protein that makes our skin tough and water-resistant. Underneath the upper layer there is dermis which is much thicker than the outer layer of skin and is composed of structural proteins plus collagen fibers. It is because of this layer skin maintain its strength and elasticity. As we age the amount of collagen declines due to which skin loses its elasticity and leads to sags and wrinkles on the skin.

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Teremtés: 13/11/2013 05:11
Frissítés: 22/11/2013 04:40
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howtopreventwrinkles :: Natural Treatments For Pre

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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Cikk: What are the preventive measures for wrinkle? - 22/11/2013 04:25

After you have known what are the cause of having wrinkles you must know the ways to prevent these wrinkles to appear early in life. Thus, below are the Tips for Healthy Skin and Wrinkle Prevention: Protect your skin from sunlight: Try to protect your skin from sunlight. If you are going outside you must wear sunscreen, protective goggles and cloth. If you protect your skin from the harmful ultra-violet ray, your skin will then look younger and will be wrinkle free. Apply moisturizer: Apply moisturizer daily after bath and before going to sleep. This will make your skin to remain supple and soft. Quit smoking and alcohol: If you quit these two bad habits, you can dramatically reduce the wrinkle process to appear on your face. Along with this your eyes skin area will be free from any kind of under eye skin problem such as dark circles, wrinkles, under eye bags and puffiness. Sleep well: Try to maintain a sleep of about 7-8 hours daily. This is not only good for your skin but also for your body. Don’t over-wash your face: Washing your face is good, but over washing will make your skin dry out. Along with that over -wash of the face can wash off the essential oil in face skin that is essential in preventing wrinkles to appear on your face. What is the diet and exercise strategy one should follow? After reading the above Tips for Healthy Skin and Wrinkle Prevention, you now add diet and exercise as next tip. Eat healthy food: You skin shows what you eat. If you eat good food rich in vitamin and mineral your skin will always glow. You will never have wrinkles, acne and scar problem at the early age of life. Eat green veggies and fruit. Include some food which is having good anti-oxidizing property. Drink lots of water: Stay hydrated. Your body and your skin need at least 6-8 glasses of water daily.  Drink water and help your body to maintain its process. Do exercise daily: Try to do exercise daily. If you don’t want to go to the gym, you can just go for 30 minutes of daily morning walking. Does anti-aging cream prevent wrinkles? Now, this question is widely asked by many of you. You say that after following all the preventive tips for healthy skin and wrinkle prevention, can these anti-aging creams do some good thing for you. The answer is yes. It can do. These anti-aging creams not only help to prevent wrinkles, but also help to maintain and promote collagen and elastin level in your skin. When applied, as per direction they can get easily absorbed into your skin and will give you the best result.  You must go for a natural anti-aging product which is affordable and clinically proven. Plus it offers you money back guarantee and should have lots of supporting consumer reviews on the other sites.Learn more details from